WIP: First Image not visible in ACF Repeater within a Repeater

I have a Repeater within a Repeater that has an image field.

For the inner Repeater the 1st rows image is not visible within the query loop that points to the inner repeater. Only the 2nd and onwards rows image is visible

Calendar Group - Repeater

  • Calendar Dates - Inner Repeater

    • Background Image with return format Image Array

For the above the 1st Calendar Date row the image is not visible. For all other rows it is visible.

I uses ACF Pro 6.2.7

Hi Estas,
Thanks so much for your report!

I assume the image is not visible on the canvas/shown as „dynamic data is empty", but it works in the front end, right? At least that’s the case for me using Bricks 1.9.8.

If so, it’s a similar/related issue as this one: WIP: Flexible Content First Background Image

Best regards,

Hi Timmse

The problem is not what I mentioned

I tested it now and it is using the wrong images for all the inner repeater items. Instead of using the images from the inner repeater it uses the 1st rows images on every inner repeater.


I created an account for help@bricksbuilder.io on the site


Hey Estas,
Unfortunately, the “reset password” emails are not reaching us. Can you send me the username and password + a link to this thread “manually” to help@bricksbuilder.io (or, alternatively, via DM)?