Hi there, in using the new filters, I noticed that they don’t work when I create a search page template. It appears the filters ignore the searched term when they apply on the search page query. I don’t know if it makes a difference that I am just using the standard search bar rather than the new live search element.
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I’m not quite sure if I understand your setup correctly. Would you please provide a live link and/or screencast? Thanks
Here is a link to the search results page. https://www.srusigns.ca/?s=test. As soon as you use one of the filter elements on the page, the ?s=tes is removed from the URL and is no longer a factor in the query.
Thanks so much for the live link!
This is not a bug because there is no connection between the search term and the filter.
However, we have created an improvement task to improve this in the future
Okay thanks. I wasn’t sure which it was initially. Makes sense. Looking forward to more improvements on the filters.
How is this coming along? is it still in progress/under active dev?