WIP: Element Render Attributes Filter changes in 1.4.0rc

Bricks Version: 1.4.0 rc
Browser: Chrome 90
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: https://academy.bricksbuilder.io/article/filter-bricks-element-render_attributes/

Hi, just installed the 1.4.0rc version in a dev site. Noticed that bricks/element/render_attributes filter no more 5th parameter ($is_frontend). May I know is this a permanent change or just missed out?

Thanks in advanced.

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Hi, just to highlight that this is still the same in Bricks 1.4
No 5th parameter $is_frontend for that filter.

Hello @itchycode,

Thank you for your report.

We removed the last hook parameter,$is_frontend, but you can still have access to that state using the global function bricks_is_frontend().

Meanwhile, I will update the documentation.

Thank you.

Noted, thank you very much for updating.

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