Hey, after updating to 1.12 from 1.12 beta and 1.11 - on both a live and production site we have the same bug: all {echo: functions} for text / title fields dont work anymore - the function itself works ( i changed nothing and its added via the filter to be allowed aswell - furthermore it works for custom php code )
Empty fields = text fields with echo: get_my_custom_value() - same function used in “Auflösung:” for example
sadly, I can’t reproduce the issue. As you can see from the screenshot, when I use the {echo:...} tag, it works, and it correctly outputs the value in the builder and on frontend.
But, I would like to figure out why is this not working, so can you send temporary login credentials to your test/staging website and a link to this thread to help@bricksbuilder.io using the email address you used during the purchase, so we can take a look?
thank you very much for this! I’ve tested with the space, and I can reproduce it now even locally.
We created a fix locally, but if you agree, we would like to apply it on your staging site, to see if it will solve the issue on your website.
If you agree, please you send temporary login credentials to your test/staging website and a link to this thread to help@bricksbuilder.io, then we can implement it.
We will need access to “Theme File Editor”, so make sure that we have those rights.
Theme File Editor etc. is fully disabled server wide.
I could provide FTP access to the bricks theme folder if that works for you or you could tell me the code changes / file(s) i have to modify ( here or per pm )
feel free to send me the temporary login credentials to your test/staging website and a link to this thread to help@bricksbuilder.io using the email address you used during the purchase, then I can implement the fix in your website, and let you know what the fix is.
We will need access to “Theme File Editor”, so make sure that we have those rights.
We did release the 1.12.1 hotfix today, but it did not include this fix, as it was not yet tested.