WIP: CSS variable picker (dropdown) we cannot search for dash ( "-" or "- -" )

In the dropdown picker, where we have the ability to search for a specific CSS variable by typing its name, if we search for that variable using "-" (dash) in the search term, no variable are found and suggested.


I have a CSS Variable named --im--border-radius.

Searching for border lets the dropdwon suggest the variable…

Schermata 2024-07-02 alle 16.59.33

But, as soon as I add -, no results are found

Schermata 2024-07-02 alle 16.59.42

Hi Jacopo,
Thanks so much for your report!

I have created an improvement task for this :v:

Best regards,

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Today i noticed that if the search term string begin with var(-- the problem does not occur.
In that case the dropdown will suggest the css variable

Schermata 2024-07-05 alle 20.24.09