WIP: Component Accessibility: Accordions, Tabs

Bricks Version: 1.5-beta
Browser: Brave
OS: macOS
URL: (a link to a page that illustrates the issue would be really helpful)

Elements such as the accordion and tabs, both regular and nested, do not seem to be accessible by keyboard or have other accessibility features such as aria support.


Hey Christian,
Thanks so much for your report!

As this is an improvement rather than a bug, I’ve moved the post accordingly. However, we have the issue on our radar and will look into making the elements accessible as well in one of the next releases.

Best regards,


It is also sad to know that tabs won’t show content if the js on the user device is disabled. Purpose of js was to enhance the functionality and not this. Content should not show formatted like tabs but it should if js is disabled.

@timmse, that’s great. Please keep accessibility in mind with upcoming components such as menus and popups as well.

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I was able to add some accessibility by adding 2 attributes to the tabs: role = button, and tabindex = 0. HOWEVER, tabbing to the tabs and clicking enter on a tab title does not reveal the tab’s content panel. If someone knows how to fix that, this would be a good work around.

Is there any update on this? I know that stuff needs to be added for developers like global components but those don’t benefit the usability of websites for those with a vision impairment.