So I checked and I had still one version of the website (on subdomain) online on the previous hosting plan. This website was infected, cleaned and updated to the version. Also, on that hosting, under that cpanel account, there were 2 additional websites - with almost no traffic, but maybe it’s important to know.
Server is shared hosting, from some local company, and I have no idea how much CPU resource does it have, but I think it has 1Gb of ram.
Following image is from Bricks:
Here you can see RAM and CPU usage. Because hosting is not used anymore, it was mostly flat before, but it started going up after I started editing the page - I must say that I did not experience any lag. I mean, saving the page took about 5 seconds, but I think think is normal. Also, duplicating elements with many inner elements was not instant, but nothing to worry about.
In CPU usage, you will see one spike at the beginning. I think this spike was not caused by Bricks, but by executing cron tabs at once - because website was not visited for a while. After that, you can see that CPU usage went up, when I was editing, but it did never hit 100%.

Again, keep in mind that since the problems with bricks exploit, this website was cleaned, few plugins removed and updated.
I remembered I has written to this shared hosting support about 2 years ago (end of May, 2022) and their response was (I’ve translated this with Google Translate).
thanks for the feedback.
The technical team has just checked the mentioned, and the review shows that server resources are being exceeded if the website is edited in several tabs at the same time, as part of the Bricks editor.
Just like you yourself mentioned.
Only when opening the mentioned editor or when opening multiple pages in this editor, it causes a lot of requests to be launched almost simultaneously, which means a lot of consumption of system resources in a short window of time. However, this consumption exceeds the capacity of the hosting package currently in use.
In such a case, we recommend editing the changes in fewer simultaneous tabs.
The review shows that the website has enough server resources available, since the consumption, as mentioned, is significantly increased only when editing within the mentioned editor or. when editing in multiple tabs. We also recommend a consultation with the developer of the mentioned proposal or editor that will be able to provide more information.
We are of course at your disposal for additional information.
I’ve checked the emails and yeah, I’ve reported this to you and it seemed to get fixed - at least 508 error part, that for me, at that time, was the most obvious when moving between breakpoints.
First email:
Second email:
Now, I’m not saying it’s same bug, but maybe it will give one more perspective to what could it be. Or maybe it will not be a help at all. 
Thanks for looking into this and sorry I can not give you access to the website with that error this time.