WIP: Bricks Beta 1.12: The component crashes after Unlink

Browser: Chrome 132.0.6834.84
OS: Windows


I have created a component and I have added the download link below. When I add it to a page and unlink it, it completely breaks. Please watch the video below.

The important thing here is that this problem does not occur for other components. Maybe using custom css in this component is causing this problem.

Component file

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I actually came here to report the same. When using the nestable form from Bricksforge, if I make the form a component and unlink it, the form elements become scattered across the page, intermingling with other sections and elements.


Hello @HOSEIN and @emmanuelson,

thank you for your reports. Yep, I could replicate the issue locally, thanks for sharing the component!

I will create a local bug report and will link this task to it.

Thank you,