WIP: Animation delay in Animation end interaction affects the popup redisplay

Browser: Chrome 133.0.6943.60
OS: Windows


There is a button in this link that, when clicked, will display a popup with animation. On the button, this interaction is set to display a popup.

This popup will remain for 4 seconds and then disappear animatedly based on this interaction.

The problem is that if you click the button again after the pop-up closes (after 4 seconds), it takes 4 seconds for the popup to open. This seems unusual, right?

Also, sorry for the screenshots being external links. I thought it would be easier to review that way.

Thank you


for close interaction: Instead of triggering it on “Animation end”, can you try to trigger it on click as well, and keep the delay?

Does it work then?


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Hi Matej,

Thank you for reviewing this report.

Since “Animation end” is set on Popup, I don’t think setting Click as Trigger will work, am I right?


Ah, I get it now. I thought you have all interactions/animations on a button element itself.

Can you try:
On the Button element, add a “click” interaction, that will “start animation”, without a delay

Inside popup settings, you can create “Show Popup” interaction, where you “Start animation”, but this time the animation should be an “out” animation. You have to add a delay to it. In your case, that would be 4s.

Can you try that, and let me know if it works?

Thank you,

I did, now the initial problem is fixed. But interestingly, when I click on the button, the animation to show the popup does not run. After removing the popup interaction (show popup), the animation runs again. Link

Ah, yeah, I see… I missed this in my test, as my setup was “fadeIn” and tha’s the animation I saw…

Anyway, I can confirm the original issue, and also the second one. They might be connected.

I’ll open a bug report about that.


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