If I add a custom font with a same name as a Google font (eg. Poppins), Bricks also adds the <link> to load the same font from Google.
While this can be easily be worked around by changing the custom font to another name (eg. Poppins Local), it shouldn’t add the stylesheet <link> in the first place. Users might not be aware of this issue.
can you please record a video of your setup, to see a bug?
I suppose you have Google fonts disabled, but Bricks still loads it, if it’s the same name? I’ve tried to replicate it, but I couldn’t, so I guess I have a different setup than you.
Hi @Matej. I didn’t disable Google Fonts. I’m just not selecting any of the listed Google Fonts.
Here’s a clearer way to reproduce this:
For testing, ensure that there’s no global font selected in the Theme Styles
Add a custom font and name it the same as one of Google’s font. (eg. Poppins)
Create a empty page and place a heading (or any text element) and don’t select any font. Save and inspect the page. There’s no stylesheet <link> to fonts.google.com. So far so good.
Now select the custom font for the heading and save. .
Inspect the page and you will see the stylesheet <link> to fonts.google.com added even though I’m using a custom font.