Why wont the single page template I created work?

Could someone point out to me what I’m doing wrong?

I created a single post template in Bricks > Templates. I designed the template. I populated content of a post. For conditions I selected ‘Post type’ → ‘Pages’ (I think my mistake is related to this?).

Strangely enough, if I select ‘Entire Website’ (for testing purposes) it adds the template to everything except the single post pages.

Edit: it’s working. I had to go into Bricks > Settings > enable ‘Posts’ in ‘Post Types’. And in page conditions I have just ‘Post type’ now, not ‘Pages’ selected. One of these fixed the issue.

If you want a single Post template you have to select Posts where you selected Pages.

I just tried that too. I selected Posts, but I see no changes.

I must be missing something very simple…

Hard to tell by just seeing the frontend. If you could provide me with some temporary credentials (via private message) I’m happy to have a look for you.