WAIT: Simple problem in pagination element

Browser: Chrome (new)
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.


As you can see in the screenshot below, the three dots are not exactly centered and should be a little higher. I don’t know where the problem is, because I couldn’t fix it even with CSS.

pagination dots

Also as a suggestion, it would be great if you add separate style controls for three dots (page-numbers .dots.) like in jet smart filters plugin. This would be very useful. Please see the screenshot below.

new style

I disagree. The dots should be bottom aligned not centered.

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Hi @jolia, where is the bug? :slight_smile:

As this is not a bug, but more like a “how to” or a “feature request”, I move it to the appropriate category. Please make sure that you consider the correct category next time. Thanks!

Regarding your question, there are no controls for the dots, bug you can style the dots by targeting .page-numbers.dots class, and add a little bottom padding.


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