Hi Oliver,
Thanks so much for your report, and welcome to the forum Alexander!
Can you please give me some details about your hosting environment, your plugins, and if it happens every time, even on pages with only a few elements?
Hi timmse
My hosting is Hostinger.
The only plugin I have installed is WPCodeBox to work with sass.
I asked friends who also have Bricks and they also complain about a similar problem.
Happens to me when saving larger sites with a bunch of ACF fields. My whole managed Server (Germany Mittwald) is not available for as long as saving process lasts. All server side cronjobs (even on other projects located on the same server) stop working …
Also: working on two DIFFERENT websites, located on the same server is impossible during saving process.
I guess it doesn’t make sense to send login data NOW, for this reason:
I have been experiencing that when coming back later and tweaking things on such long dynamic templates, saving works fast as usual. So I guess the same will happen to you when you do some tests now. This is reproducible across several templates and across several sites …
It seems that this saving-lag only did show up (at least here on my end) when building such long dynamic templates and save/reload the template very often.
What I can do, if this is ok for you:
I will come back to you via email and a link to this post here as soon it happens again!
@timmse Same happened to me yesterday. It took so much time and my IP was blocked by the server several times. Something was suspicious. But today all worked properly! I will send some server log entries to the help email address.
Hey Michael,
We have received your access data and have seen that you use a lot of dynamic data tags which lead to a lot of Ajax requests to render the elements again. This could possibly be a reason for the problem - we’ll look into it in detail.
@DavidKnecht Thanks for your logs and the access data, we’ll take a look too!
News with Bricks 1.7 beta (might be v2 ?). This issue seems to be solved in my tests now. Saving now doesn’t crash my server anymore and lasts only 2-3 seconds (lasted 1-2 minutes before).
I seem to be having the same issue (Bricks v1.7.3).
Am seeing thousands of admin-ajax.php requests while working on some pages with dynamic data which quickly ramps up to 100% CPU usage on my 2GB DO server in Cloudways.
The main setup is ACSS, Frames, Metabox AIO, WPCodeBox, Woocommerce & WooCommerce Subscriptions.
Bricks also seems to have trouble rendering query loops using Woo Products and takes 1-2 minutes to execute the query loop commands in the builder.
For now I have disabled the ‘render dynamic data’ setting and have increased the Heartbeat API frequency to 90 seconds in functions.php.