WAIT: Same form field id/name attributes when duplicating a template

I have a form element saved as a template, I noticed when I duplicated it, it retains the same ID as the original template. I’m more of a designer but I know that IDs should be unique, having similar IDs goes against HTML specifications as far as I know. the only thing I can do at the moment is to delete and add fields so it won’t have any duplicate ids. But if there’s any BB Version: 1.9.9

The Form from my Contact Page

Form (pop-up) from the audit button

I think this is not that much of an issue honestly, you could test out if two forms on a page conflict somehow, but if it’s within two separate forms I wouldn’t probably worry that much. It’s a great catch, but it doesn’t hinder the Brick’s functions probably. If the same id was within one form, then it would be more of an issue. You probably could even go and straight do a “human readable” id for the fields as well.

Thank you for this. I tested it as you advised. I have no problems with the forms on separate pages, but I have two popup forms (duplicated from the template) that appear on the same page. The first two fields of the forms (name and email) have the same IDs. When I send a test email, it doesn’t return anything from the name and email fields.

The workaround I did was to delete the name and email fields in the form and add new fields for name and email, just so the fields can have unique IDs.

Thanks so much for your report!

You’re right. The field IDs/names stay the same (the form itself gets a new ID), but I can’t replicate empty fields when using two popups (the second popup is a duplicate of the first popup template) on the same page.

At first, I tried it with the default configuration, then I added the field IDs manually to the email content (in both forms, same field IDs) such as {{a983d3}} and in both cases, the emails contain the correct content.

Can you please check this again and possibly provide me with a screencast where you show every single step (starting with creating the first template).

You can also duplicate the fields and delete the originals. The duplicated fields also get a new field ID.

Best regards,