WAIT: Product tag taxonomy filter encoded incorrectly for non-latin terms

I was trying out the new AJAX filters and they seem to be working as expected for the most part. When testing the product_tag filter I noticed that non-latin characters are encoded as a hexadecimal string which breaks the query.

Here’s an example with a latin tag (first image) and a non-latin tag (second image):

Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 15.53.18

In a similar situation, using product_cat instead, it seems the non-latin characters are URL-encoded, which appears to work as expected. Here’s an example with the product_cat filter applied using a non-latin string:

Is the issue related to how the product tags were imported or a Bricks encoding issue?

Hi @nikos.genoch ,

Thank you so much for the report.
Yes I can replicate the (long text) issue if the slug is non-latin characters.
However, the filter is working fine as expected even if the slug is weird.
Does the filtered results correct for you?


Hi @itchycode,

Thank you for looking into this so quickly!

Does the filtered results correct for you?

No, unfortunately that’s not what I am seeing. On my end, when the product_tag filter is applied, all the results are filtered out.


Kindly provide admin access + include this forum thread URL and send it to help@bricksbuilder.io

Please also let us know which page we should check as well :slight_smile:
