WAIT: Problems with pagination

Bricks Version: 1.6.1
Browser: Yandex (64-bit)
OS: Windows 10

  1. The HTML code of the pagination element remains in the page code if the pagination should not be rendered because there are few elements on the page.

  2. Pagination shows extra pages that shouldn’t be there. There are 50 entries in the archive and there should only be one page. But the pagination shows other pages. As I understand it, they are taken from element settings.


I forgot one more point.

  1. If the list of entries (products) is displayed on a normal page, not in the archive, the pagination for such a list does not work. I checked both elements for pagination, which are in Bricks. This problem seems to have been fixed, but so far the pagination doesn’t work…

Hi Evgeniy,
Thanks so much for your report!

Can you do me a favor and please provide the screenshot again/and in the future in English?

  1. You use the pagination in an archive template, right? What kind of archive is it?
    The more information, the easier it is to reproduce the issue.

Best regards,


a) I use an custom taxonomy for the template. In this case, this is the template of an custom taxonomy term.

b) To display the posts, I set up a custom query, which I put in the template element. Under the template element, I set up a pagination element.

c) The term I’m checking now has 40 posts. The query settings have a limit of 50 posts per page. That is, the pagination should not be output on the frontend.

d) Bricks has 2 pagination elements - the main one and for store pages. I use the main one. The type of posts - products.

Term page on the website: https://electromontazh-opt.ru/term/gml/

I find it hard to switch the interface to English, so I will leave the screenshots in Russian. I hope from the explanation will be clear.

Thanks for the additional explanations. With Cyrillic labels, it’s kind of flying blind :smiley:
Please move the pagination element into the template and select your query loop in the Query dropdown of the pagination element:

Then it should work as expected :thinking:


In the settings, I can only select Main Query.

Here I use the standard pagination element. I also tried product pagination, it works the same way - it creates empty pages.


Pagination does not work on the product archive page :roll_eyes: When you go to the next pages, error 404 appears. I tried all the settings options, none worked correctly.