WAIT: "Populate Content" showing nothing after pressing save

Browser: Firefox v. 118.0.1
OS: Windows 11
URL: It’s in the builder
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool: jam.dev)

In short: The “Populate Content” option dose not work while editing my header. I tried inserting a page with few elements inside, and I tried even downloading a whole page template. Nothing appears after I press the save button. Is it a bug?

Hi @bw9 ,

Could you please record the issue in a video so I could try to replicate it locally?


If this helps anyone - The Populate Content doesn’t work unless you specify the Header or Footer as a Header or Footer template type.

For example, I accidentally built my footer as a Single Page template and Populate Content did not work. Once I switched it to Footer, the content populated.