WAIT: Parent looping container html tags wrapping each returned query loop elements

The query loop builder on ACF Flexible Content and repeaters is wrapping all returned content in the looping-element HTML tags.

This does not seem like the intended functionality. I understand that the outer parent is what is being looped, but without the ability to apply loops to flexible content layouts themselves, it bloats the DOM.

See this how-to post that I wrote first. Is this a bug or a feature request? Or is there a workaround?

Thanks so much for your report!

Can you please show me how you set up your ACF fields? That would probably make it easier to explain why it is the way it is.

At the moment, I don’t see a bug, as the loop does exactly what it is supposed to do. Without having seen your specific setup, you could of course try to generate the desired result with the code element and PHP. The ACF docs actually provide all the necessary information.

Best regards,