WAIT: Order by Menu Order in query filters

Browser: Chrome (new)
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.


By default, the order of the filter options doesn’t seem to be appropriate. For example, we have a category like this:


But in the front end it is displayed as below.


If you agree, it would be better if, by default, the filter options were displayed in the order of the menu. Especially if the filters have children, like in the example above.

Also as a suggestion, filters could have a new menu order option in the sort option.

HI @jolia,

I think we both agree that this is not a bug, but a feature request. That’s why I moved it to the correct category.

If you enable the “hierarchical”, is the order you get correct?


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hello @Matej, Yes, that’s right.

Ok, thanks.
So the “issue” is only visible if we don’t have “hierarchical” enabled, right?


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So the “issue” is only visible if we don’t have “hierarchical” enabled, right?

Yes, that’s right.