WAIT: Option to include children elements inside counter for parent term

Browser: Chrome (new)
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.


Suppose our product categories are as follows:

Mobile (2)
–samsung (3)
–apple (1)
–xiaomi (4)

As you can see, mobile is the parent category and the rest are the child categories.

The problem is that in the front end, the filters show the parent category number as 2, but when we enable it, the results will be more than 2 because it also shows the child products. For example, according to the categories above, when we select the mobile category, we expect two products to be displayed. But 10 products are displayed.

Hi @jolia,

I’ve moved this to Feature Requests / Improvements and changed the title a bit. Yes, I agree, that would be nice improvement.
As for now, it works the same as in Products → Categories.

I’ve created an improvement task, and we will update this topic once the improvement is implemented.


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