WAIT: No Results Template Styling Broken

I created a template for the no results section of my query loop. I styled my template, then when I set my template for the no results, and looked at the front-end, the styles were non-existent.

Anyone have this same issue or know how to fix this?

Hey @OhJey,

I can not reproduce the error. Can you tell me how you have the class loading method set up? Is it external or internal files? Can you try to switch to the other one, to see if it will help?

Also, how did you style this “No Result” template?


Best regards,

There are 0 classes on any elements in my template. All the styling was on the ID level.

It’s a local site so there’s no way to send you a link, but I’m using Bricks as intended and it just didn’t work for me.

I wanted no results but something a bit more elegant, so I made a section type template and put everything I wanted in there, styled it a bit, and then selected my template in my query loop and that is what I was met with, an unstyled version of my template.

I haven’t changed any Bricks settings either.

Switching the “CSS loading method” setting in Bricks to “External Files” fixed my issue for anyone having the same issue.

Hey @OhJey,

yeah, that’s weird. I tested the same (so I style on ID level), but the styling was there. I must have missed something :thinking:

What if you switch back to internal now? It will not work anymore, or is it working now?

Thanks and best regards,