WAIT: No Differentiation between which CPT a Metabox Cloneable Field Group Belongs to in a Query Loop

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: Windows
URLs: Examples below.

Example #1
Example #2

I am not sure if this should be classified as “bug” or a “feature request” since there the result was great and there is no problem there.

The issue is that if you create Metabox Cloneable Fields (e.g. Toolset Repeater Field Groups, or ACF Repeaters), and assign them to multiple CPTs, what happens is that the name of the Cloneable Field Group is listed in the dropdown multiple times based on the # of CPTs.

This part is fine.

But there does not seem to be any way to differentiate or know which CPT the Cloneable Field Group belongs to.

So you end up having to just pick a random Clone Field Group name out of a hat, and hope that it’s the correct CFG associated to the CPT you are trying to pull the fields back from.

I’m not sure if this is by design, or something that the team could look into.

If this falls more so under the “feature request” category, then feel free to move it to that forum. Thank you.

Hi @saint ,

Please may I know if showing the dynamic data key in the dropdown can solve the issue?

Bricks > Settings > Builder > Dynamic data


Hi Jenn,

Thanks for your reply, I went ahead and gave that a try, but it didn’t look like it did anything?

See GIF: Screen Recording 2024-06-27...

Thank you!