WAIT: Lost Bricks content (both published and in progress)

Browser: Firefox
OS: Windows
URL: https://dev.kravmagaangers.fr/
Note: No work on hosting nor database has been done on my side, but my hoster, PlanetHoster did change server location (IP) and software (from Cpanel to N0C)

I was working on a couple of pages in the past couple weeks, espacially on the homepage which was published and another one which was just in progress.

I just got back on the computer and everything was gone. I tried Revisions, they are all empty for the last 2 weeks. I did reached the 100 revisions, maybe thatā€™s too much somehow ? I just donā€™t get how I lost those data since EVERYTHING else is still there, my other websites are fineā€¦ even my bricks templates are untouched, I just lost ā€œPagesā€ made with Bricks.


so, by ā€œeverything was goneā€, do you mean all the content (so the page is empty) or only the changes you did in the past couple of weeks?

My first thought was to ask the hoster what happens since something has changed in the DB most likely.
If you have access to the database, you can also check in ā€œwp_postmetaā€ table, what is the content of those post_id. You should check data where ā€œmeta_keyā€ is _bricks_page_content_2

Please let me know.

Best regards,


Thanks alot for the quick response.

I meant ā€˜the page is emptyā€™.
I did search in PHPmyAdmin, there are no data with a ā€œbricksā€ meta key in the wp_postmeta table.

Hoster has not responded yet.

Bricks doesnā€™t like certain migration processes and tools. Whatā€™ll happen is the serialized GUIDs (IIRC) donā€™t get properly updated, which breaks the data. If you change the URL back, the Bricks data will magically appear again.

Iā€™ve encountered this with a couple of different hostsā€™ migration tools, but All in One WP Migration has a 100% success rate for me - it manages all the ins and outs of the serialization and updating.

Since you say that you canā€™t see any Bricks data inside that table, I certainly hope you have a backup. Iā€™m wondering though why would this happen.
Let us know if the hoster answers.

Iā€™ve personally use WPVivid, and also never had a problem. Saying that this seems to be a different kind of problem since the control panel and I guess the server was changed.

The one thing Iā€™m curious is, why there is no more Bricks data. What about other data, is it in the database, @rynux?

Best regards,

You where right asking me again after hours of sleep ! My mind switched 2 ā€œcloseā€ databases and was looking at the wrong one, I do have bricks data in the database, more than 60 entries with _bricks_page_content_2

I do see my content and some CSS in between the weird syntax.

sorry for being a d*mb**s :sweat_smile:

Hehe, no worries. :slight_smile:

Now that we know that the content is thereā€¦ would be possible to send temporary login credentials to your test/staging website and a link to this thread to help@bricksbuilder.io using the email address you used during the purchase, so we can take a look at why is this happening?

Iā€™ll probably need to install one plugin that will allow me to access a database, like this one (SQL Buddy)

Thanks and best regards,

Potentially a different cause, but definitely the same problem. Seen it enough to know the signs: data still present in the database, bricks built items disappearing for no reason etc.

100% guaranteed that it boils down to whatever the hosting company did changing something that hasnā€™t been correctly serialized

Maybe. But this can also be because of a bug that we fixed in the 1.10.1 version, where elements disappeared, but were still in DB.

We will take a look at the website and see :slight_smile:

Best regards,

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