Hello, I am trying to pass dynamic data using {echo} to a JavaScript function using the Bricks interaction argument feature.
Passing the {post_title} works fine, but trying to pass a value using the {echo} dynamic data feature doesn’t work. Console.log shows the arguments passed using the {echo} function as null.
In the screenshot I have changed the name of the function for OPSEC purposes, but the function is used in different areas of the page in working on the page in Rich Text modules. The function returns a related post_id. I’ve added the function name to the “bricks/code/echo_function_names” hook as well.
Thank you for your response! This is a Bricks Builder Extras element, so I’m assuming that it is a bug with that element. I did try adding your simple PHP function, and it still didn’t output.
This can be closed out. Thanks again for the help!