WAIT: Images not displaying on Safari 1

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool: jam.dev)

Hi everyone, Im having a bunch of issues with my site across IOS and in this case safari where my images are not displaying. We are using webp in most cases. Our logo is a svg which is working perfectly. Any help coming up with a solution would be so amazing.

[Please describe this bug in as much detail as possible so we can replicate & debug this bug]

Hey @garethmcewan,

thanks for your report.

What macOS / iOS / Safari version are you having problems with? WebP is not fully supported in every OS / browser combination yet (see caniuse.com/webp).

You could try to disable lazy load in the Bricks settings and see if this causes the issues.

Since Bricks 1.8.5 you can also specify a fallback image which is used then the browser does not support WebP. However, if you want to use WebP extensively you better go with an image optimization plugin which takes care of all this automatically.



Ill try the fall back option. What plugin would you reccomend for this?