WAIT: Image size "large" does not show size or in list

Browser: Chrome
OS: Windows 11
Video: Recording #4

1, Add an image to a single post template and add and image element.
2. Browse for dynamic image and choose Feature Image under Post type.
3. Notice the next field show the image size as “large”.
4. Browse and choose Medium Large size.
5. Browse again and you will see “large” is not in the list of sizes.

I think this is caused by the raw image width being smaller than what is requred for “large” (1024). I don’t know.

Expected it to show the largest size from the list rather than just simply “large” with no idication what size large is. Is it actually showing Full? If so, why not show Full and the size next to it by default, like it shows in the list?

Maybe it is a lacking feature rather than a bug. :slight_smile:

This occurs on 1.7.3 and 1.8-beta

See video link above.