WAIT: Header with Sticky and Fix on scroll bug

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: Windows 11

When you set the header with sticky and fixed on scroll the horizontal overflow appears. I have had this problem in multiple websites ive worked on so Im really sure it’s a bug.

I was trying to fixed with multiple overflow hidden but that just brings new problems (like the Search icon cant display the overlay in 100vh, etc).

Thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I cannot see any huge overflow looking at your site. At what size does the problem occur?

There is a tiny overflow caused by the horizontal margins of the “Membresías Bola de Papel” copy text.

Best regards,

Hi, thank you for the response. I “fix” this problem disabling the fixed on scroll and giving 100px top margin to the main content, was the only way I could fix that problem.

I just undoed the changes I had made to fix that problem and you can now see it on the site in a better way.

If you need any other information please tell me.

Now I can see the overflow, but I have no explanation for it and cannot reproduce the problem with a fresh setup.

Does the problem also occur when you create a new header template? If so, would you be so kind as to send temporary login credentials and a link to this thread to help@bricksbuilder.io using the email address you used during the purchase?

I’m using Bricks v1.9.

Adding html {overflow-x:hidden} prevents sticky on scroll from working at all. I am forced to use overflow-x:hidden due to large oversized text elements that extend off the screen horizontally even on desktop. So although I would like to use sticky on scroll it seems I can not.

Hi everyone,

Maybe this is a similar problem? In general, enabling Slide up after (px) seems to cause horizontal scrolling.