WAIT: Form is error'ing intermittently

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS & Windows
URL: Seaplane Rating - All Sports Aviation
Video: Jam

Hi, I am having problems with my forms sitewide (allsportsaviation.com) - first time using bricks and not sure what could be causing it. Seems to be an intermittent issue, which reacts differently to different email addresses I use. See first example in the recording where I use a @gmail.com and then the second one using a branded domain and it works. Also happening on iPhone 13 Safari & windows PC - Google Chrome.

Hi Lewis,
Welcome to the forum, and thanks so much for your report!

Your SMTP configuration is most likely the cause of the issue. If you’re using a managed hosting provider, they should be able to help diagnose it.

Otherwise, you can try installing an SMTP plugin such as WP Mail SMTP by WPForms – The Most Popular SMTP and Email Log Plugin – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org.
Let me know if it helps :v:

Best regards,