WAIT: Elements with display conditions based on string contained in URL fail to load within a query loop using load more query

Can’t share because it’s a white label project for an agency, but here’s the setup:

I have a card saved as a template. In this card are various fields, including the card title and card price fields. Each of these fields have 4 instances with conditions to display if one of 4 keywords is contained in the current URL. The card then goes in a query loop.

Everything works fine in the main query loop of 8 cards. The conditions behave properly.

When I click load more using the native load more query interaction, the fields from the card that don’t have conditional logic display, the ones that do have conditional logic don’t.

Hey @Pete,

how does a condition look? Can you share a screenshot of the conditions and a code, if it’s a custom one? So that I can replicate it.


Condition is very simple: current url contains keyword

In this case let’s say the page is a child of the page test. The url is domain.tld/test/page, so the condition is current url contains test

Hey @Pete,

I’m sorry for the late reply and thank you for the description. I was able to reproduce it locally, and I’ve added it to our bug report.


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