WAIT: Dynamic content in URL field is different than same content in a text element

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: Windows
URL: https://staging4.academie.divanbleu.com/atelier/defis-autour-des-familles-recomposees/

I have a template for an event CPT with the following in a text element and a URL(link broken with spaces here to avoid it being displayed as not text):
https://calendar google com/calendar/render?action=TEMPLATE&text={post_title}&dates={mb_atelier_card_info_live_events_event_start_time:Ymd}T{mb_atelier_card_info_live_events_event_start_time:His}/{mb_atelier_card_info_live_events_event_end_time:Ymd}T{mb_atelier_card_info_live_events_event_end_time:His}&location={mb_atelier_card_info_live_events_location}&sf=true&output=xml

In the text element it returns the correct content, but in the URL field it’s changing the values. This is causing a Google Calendar event to be place in the year 173,047 as opposed to 2024.

Text Output: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/render?action=TEMPLATE&text=Défis autour des familles recomposées&dates=20241101T120000/20241101T133000&location=108-1150 Saint-Joseph boulevard Est, Montreal, QC, Canada, H2J 1L5&sf=true&output=xml

URL Output: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/render?action=TEMPLATE&text=Défis%20autour%20des%20familles%20recomposées&dates=1730462400T1730462400/1730467800T1730467800&location=108-1150%20Saint-Joseph%20boulevard%20Est,%20Montreal,%20QC,%20Canada,%20H2J%201L5&sf=true&output=xml

Notice the change in the dates=DATE part of the link.

I solved the issue with a workaround of using a dynamic data attribute for href on the button

Thanks for letting us know that you solved it, still, I suppose this should not happen if you used the same dynamic field, on the same page…
How did you create that URL field?

Best regards,

It’s just the normal URL field on a button

I can not reproduce the problem locally, I tested it. That event’s start and end seem to be wrong.

If you replicate this issue again, please feel free to send temporary login credentials to your test/staging website and a link to this thread to help@bricksbuilder.io using the email address you used during the purchase, so we can take a look.

Thank and best regards,