WAIT: CSS missing with infinite scroll on archive page with custom query


I have a archive page with a custom query but when i set the query on infinite scroll the CSS is missing on the first 2 the post working fine but after 3th post the style is missing.

When i disable the infinite scroll then it is working fine.

Hi Daney,
Thanks so much for your report!

Which version are you using?
Which CSS loading method do you use? If external files, please switch to inline styles and see if that resolves the issue (for now).

Best regards,

Hi Timmse

1.5.7 Bricks version
CSSs method was already set to inline styles

Hi Daney,
I was able to reproduce the problem halfway, but I’m unsure if it’s the same as your problem.

  1. You use inline styles.
  2. You use the post content element in a loop to output your Bricks content

So far, everything works as it should, right?

  1. You enable the infinite scroll, set the posts per page to 2, and all styles are missing from the third post onwards or only some? In my tests, basic styles (e.g. background-color) are still present, but the accordion or the slider styles are missing.

  2. What happens without infinite scroll but with external files instead of inline styles?

Best regards,

1 Like
  1. yes

  2. yes

  3. external styles with infinite scroll some templates are now good and some templates don’t.

  4. external styles enabled without infinite scroll some templates are good and some templates don’t.
    example Team Card 3 on my library.

Infinite scroll is now turn on with external stylesheet.
Team Card 3 the icons style is missing.

On the single page the icon style is visible

@timmse if you want a login i can make one.