If we set the Effect option to offset in the offcanvas element, the browser’s horizontal scroll will be displayed on the mobile after offcanvas is opened. While this problem does not exist on the desktop.
It should be noted that I am facing this bug in Android - Chrome browser.
You you be so kind to share a URL to your site and/or a video demonstrating the issue on your phone? What device are you using? What Android version? What browser version?
That’d help a lot to reproduce a possible issue.
I wanted to report this case when I realized that it has already been reported here. I have seen similar examples of offset slides on two other sites, but this problem does not exist. Do you need more details to identify this problem?
Hey @jolia , the thread seems to have been lost at the time. Can you still reproduce the problem? If so, would you please adjust Sample Page – Try Bricks – t8f1f855 so that I can see the problem?
@HOSEIN Can you please explain what you mean by this, and if possible, add the links to the examples?
Please view this page with a mobile phone.
Horizontal scrolling appears in the browser when offcanvas is opened. I am experiencing this problem in Android browsers. Everything is fine on the desktop. I have not checked IOS.
Also, please see the video below, the problem is very clear.