WAIT: 2 taxonomies in taxonomy query not working


I might found a posible bug.

I have this structure where there is a taxonomy inside another one, and finally a custom post type.

And this configuration in the CPT query

But is not working.

The result I’m looking for is to have different lists separated by category type. Inside each category type, there should be different lists separated by gender. Then, display only the posts related to that gender and category type.

I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong, but I believe the configuration I have should work.

Thank you.

Hey marcorubiol,

would be nice if I could get access to your staging site, so I can see and try live. If it’s possible, could you send temporary credentials and a link to this thread to help@bricksbuilder.io using the email address you used when purchasing so we can look at this in detail?

Thank you,

Email send it.

Thank you.