Unofficial Discord Channel

Hi. I am not sure if this is allowed to post here. This is the unofficial Bricks Discord Channel where members hangout. Unofficial Bricks Builder Community

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It will be nice if you guys also join the platform. @thomas @timmse @luistinygod

Hey Omega,
of course, you are allowed to post this here and we are happy you share the channel with us!

We have deliberately chosen two support channels: the forum and via email. Additionally we have the Facebook group, where it is already difficult to keep track of everything. To serve a 4th channel, being present regularly and answering as fast as possible is unfortunately not possible due to capacity reasons.

But as I said, we think it’s cool that you exchange with each other and who knows, maybe someday the day will come when we join :slight_smile:

Best regards,


Updated Discord Link. Unofficial Bricks Builder Community

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