"Unified Canvas" and/or "Sky View"

I’m calling this feature “Unified Canvas” because it transitions the page builder from a separate canvas system to a single canvas system (when desired).

In Bricks, there’s a separate canvas per URL. In Figma, there’s a single canvas that contains all the screens. Anyone who has used Figma knows how efficient, fast, and marvelous it is to scroll around a giant canvas, see multiple screens, and interact with anything, anywhere, at any time.

Not only do you have full interaction freedom, but you can zoom in or out of the unified canvas to see a birds-eye view of everything. Or you can zoom all the way in to experience a more detail-oriented workflow.

Another powerful feature of Unified Canvas is that the canvas size exists separately from the builder interface. Since you’re free to scroll to any part of the canvas at any time, the control interface lies on top of everything rather than being influenced by the size of the screen or the size of the canvas. Unified Canvas would provide far more oversight control and make working in Bricks on smaller screens easier.

Want to edit something? Bricks knows which element is selected – the interface behavior is the same as it always is. The only difference is that Bricks also knows which page is selected. This allows you to edit any page from the same Unified Canvas.

Unified Canvas functionality could be expanded to create new pages, posts, edit slugs, etc. The sky is the limit.

Keep in mind that this would be an optional view. So, users would get the best of both worlds depending on how they prefer to work on any given day.

Bricks should be the first to introduce this type of canvas into the WordPress ecosystem.

Full write-up (also detailing Sky View): 5 Killer Bricks Builder Features We Need to See in 2024!


Might be a huge performance killer given it has to integrate with WP, but this would be amazing to have!


Excellent idea. Will provide a “site” level view. As Bricks calls itself a site builder rather than a page builder, having a site-wide view fits with the vision.

Thank you for taking the time to put together these larger picture ideas.

Relume AI generates such Visual Sitemaps.

Sky view! Unified Canvas! “Visual Sitemap” might be a more apt nomenclature.
XML Sitemap and Visual Sitemap - It maintains consistency in terminology used.

A Visual Sitemap is a neat idea and is already seen in its infancy across different product providers.
The next logical iteration would be the ability to navigate across and edit pages/posts/… directly from the Visual Site map within a WordPress page-builder, if technology permits.

Takes me back many years. Net Objects Fusion worked like this.
Great for small builds but it really doesn’t scale well and just gets messy and complicated.
Maybe that’s why it vanished?


I don’t often comment on here, but this is a banger feature that forced me to chime in! :slight_smile:

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Amazing workflow enhancement!