Ui issue in padding / Margin control

Browser: Chrome 125
OS: Windows


There is a ui problem in some padding / margin controls, especially the INNER CONTAINER / DIV section, which is clear in the image below.


All looks fine on all mine. So probably another plugin or code causing it.

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I’m even facing it in try.bricks builder.

you probably have some sort of scaling on browser or windows disable all of that.

here no scaling fine:

and here with scaling lines get thinner:

so don’t use any sort of scaling it is effecting the render.

unlesssssssssss you have a very weird resolution/dpi that its effecting the rendering. if that is the case its hard to debug this only you can debug it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the details @sinanisler. Everything was fine in the previous version. This is how it is in the new update.

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