Taxonomy Query Template

Hi all,

I am trying to set up a template that contains a custom query.
This custom query should return custom post types with the same label as the page where the template is being implemented.
Example: page featured has label featured, certain custom post types have label featured - these should be shown on this page

I tried doing this with Taxonomy Query but this seems to make:

  1. the template crash in the builder
  2. post types are not showing up on the page(s) where the template is being used.

Don’t know if I am doing something wrong in settings or if this is a bug. :melting_face:


it feels like you are doing wrong but just in case make a recording

show your custom fields where is that label coming I dont get it?

and show your setup how did you make it.

lets see if we can solve it.

there are easier ways to do this as well btw like filtering your posts by custom fields there are tons of examples on the forum for this search for them as well