Switch Language to German

How can I make my Bricks Builder work in German? I have tried all settings under Builder → Language from website setting(German) to directly set to German. WordPress itself is German but all Bricks relevant content is still English?

Hi Amplus,
If the WordPress language is set to German, you don’t have to do anything else, as the default language for the builder in the Bricks settings is the same as the website.

However, it is strange that nothing changes if you set the builder language “manually” to German. I just tested it, and it works for me in any case.

As far as I know, the only setting that could override this (plugins excluded) is the language settings in your user profile (Users » profile).

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I usualy let the site lang german for the team and I use it in english I set the my profile lang to en and use bricks en.

I use German(Switzerland) as language, because we have different separators etc. than Germany.

timmse can you select German(Switzerland) under Wordpress settings and German under Bricks Builder, because then I get English :smiley:

but at least I have a workaround by simply entering German in the profile, then it works.

but something is not quite right.

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