Switch Fonts for Arabic Language

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: (LOCAL KNOWLEDGE | Get Discovered Through Effective Local SEO)
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool: jam.dev)

I have a website that is translated to Arabic using Translate Press. I want to know if there is a way to use different fonts when switching languages? Anyone?

Hi Willem,
I’m a bit confused: did you prefix your own bug report with “no bug”? :smiley:

As far as I can see, translatepress adds language-specific classes to the body tag, which you could use to override “Poppins” manually.

Hey there, lol, looks like I did… :joy::joy:

Thanks for the insight, let me go and have a lookie

Hey man… I don’t see the class on the body tag you are referring to. As well as the heading tags… Can you point those out to me?

It’s .translatepress-ar for arabic. So something like this should work:

body.translatepress-ar {
  font-family: your arabic font family... ;

If you use a custom font, you have to insert the corresponding font-face rules manually, as they are only inserted by Bricks if the font is assigned to an element - which is not the case for you.

I’m moving the thread over to “How to”, since it’s actually not a bug, but a “how to” question :slight_smile:

Appreciate! Thanks for your help here