Struggling with Building first Blog Temlate and Archive

I am using Bricks Builder with Frames and ACSS. I am fairly new to all. I am trying to build my first blog archive and blog post template, but I am struggling to figure out what settings need to be in Bricks and if I am adding posts in Wordpress or if they are added in Bricks? I have done a few tests, but when posts are pulled from Wordpress and pulled into Bricks Builder, they don’t look great as single posts. It all just feels like a jumbled mess and I am not finding very helpful tutorials online. Please help! I just need a good starting point.

Here are my current Bricks Builder settings:

Hi Sara @saralum!

You need to create a couple of Templates under Bricks > Templates. One of the type Single, for the actual post content, and another of the type Archive, for the blog post archives.

When editing each template, you will have to set the conditions in which each template has to be applied. You will find this under Template Settings ( :gear:) > Conditions, when editing the template in Bricks (sidebar on top, left-hand side).

Here you have more info: Template Settings – Bricks Academy

Choose Post type: Posts for the individual post pages. And Archive: Posts for the archive.

That would be your starting point! From here, you can start building out your templates. The post content should be written in the WP editor and pulled dynamically into the Single template.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


@knut_studio thank you so much! So simple, but because I was trying to piecemeal a bunch of resources together to figure it out it became confusing. :wink:

Hey Sara!

Yes, it can be confusing!

Happy to help :slight_smile: