Stack Templates - Header/Footer


I’m trying to figure out how to, if possible, stack templates on specific pages. Example, I have a standard header template with logo/menu, etc. which I have assigned to entire website. Cool. I want to now, create another ‘header’ template that would reside just below this on specific pages, posts, etc. I’m not quite sure how to do this or I’m missing how to do this.



I feel like I’ve done something like this before I just don’t remember, if it was bricks or elementor…

But I created another header template file and set it to display on the post types it also needed to cover, and it stacked them on its own.

Yea, I did this with E and also with O, now I want to do it with B. That didn’t quite sound right, but I’m sure it makes sense. :stuck_out_tongue:

Use the template element and select your secondary header. Insert this into all the pages you require

Although this appears to be a workaround, this defeats the purpose of using the conditions to do this for me.

Seems to me I should be able to assign header to multiple items and use the conditions to define which actual pages they appear on. The only thing that doesnn’t appear to be available is what order they appear.

Was also looking for this. Being able to stack header templates allows me to use position sticky on a header template. Problem is that i cant pick what header template loads first.

I just thought of this, and it might work and I’ll test when I can. Create a ‘master’ header template, and within that, place your various headers in the order you want but don’t lable them as headers, just create a template of type ‘single’ or even leave blank, and then insert it as a ‘shortcode’ into the master header template. Then just use the conditions to show/hide the shortcode element as needed depending on the page. Sounds feasible anyway. :slight_smile:

The problem is that a position sticky, doesnt leave it parent container. Setting a position sticky on the header creates a perfect sticky header. Problem is that you can not have multiple bars inside the , because if you set sticky on any of these bars, they will be stuck inside the and thus woont stuck when you scroll to the content of the page.

Creating multiple headers and setting the last header position sticky is the best option IMO, but bricks doesnt allow you to set the load order of the header template.

Or get a plugin like BricksExtra which has a Header row element that allows you to add multiple rows to the header and have one or more sticky.
Fixed my recent similar issue.