Splide is dead, is another implementation planned?


Splide for slides has been dead for 2 years, is there another implementation planned? For example Embla or similar?


I think Embla will be the way to go if I’m honest, the only issue is all the sites currently running splides.


I’m of the same opinion!

That’s gonna be a fun few days, converting all the sliders. But yes, dead software is meh.

Would love to know what the plan is here too : )

Bricks already have a swiper lib, which helped me to build a filterable slider (how to add a custom swiper).

Splide is not working with filters, btw

@Matej @matejmohar Do you think you could try to tell us some plans for the future? I think this feature is really crucial. :slight_smile:

yea im not liking the splide, it does not allow you to use all the effects for free, we need something that can do things like revolution slider…

For now, we don’t have any plans to move or implement another slider library (like Embla mentioned above).
But, we are keeping an eye on this.

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I think that building such a used element off a dead dependency is borderline irresponsible. Similar to the way you upgraded containers at some point and provided a transform tool you should start working on a new slider element that uses an actively developed library and then provide a transform tool.

It wasn’t dead when Bricks first came to life. In fact, it was actively developed until ~2 years ago.

I meant “to keep building” such a used element. I know it was maintained back then, but 2 years is quite a long time in web dev years.