SOLVED: WPML , button links , translations have no link

When creating a new page

  • i added a button with an internal link to a page/post
  • i added a button to an internal page using the external link

on the translation with WPML

  • the internal link is diplaying the button but no link just the button text
  • for the external link there is a a tag for < a > link but the URL / href is missing

Hi Johan,
Thanks so much for your report!

When I compare both pages, I don’t see any difference. Each link has an href attribute, and each link is clickable as well:

Best regards,

Hi @Johan,

Are you maybe referring to the links missing in WPML’s Advanced Translation Editor? if so then you might need to check WPML’s docs regarding translating external links: Translating links and other non-displayed texts with WPML's Advanced Translation Editor - WPML

didn’t expect so quick answer, I was trouble shooting , and did some studff with wpml stick links (i removed it for now)
Will come back to you. I’m having other issues but thats not for this ticket

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Fresh setup , from a new template site deployment , no lanuage was present before , on the dev site i had several iterations of testing WPML and polylang.
Added WPML fololwing the steps in your manual without added any other WPML modules as on the manual.

If needed you can have an admin account to see and test

these are links in the menu that are not working , due to the fact that the inline reference ID is not using the translated value (the CSS has also still the french name for this ID)



Also buttons and links are missing the HREF part but do have the A part of a link
The nested tabs stuff i use also have links but these are working correctly.

I’m also using the classic editor not the Advanced Translation Editor , due to my lack of trust to send data to external servers :wink:

Hi @Johan,

Yes, admin access would be great. You can send the access details to with a link to this thread.

It would also be great if you could share screenshots or even better a screen recording of your translation process with WPML while showcasing the issues you’re running into :slight_smile:

login send as requested

Hi Johan,

Thank you for sharing access. Ah, I see that you’re using the classic editor. Yup I was able to replicate this bug as well. Although WPML recommends using Advanced Translation Editor, we’ll reach out to their team about your use cases to see if there’s anything we can do on our side.

problem is that i don’t like to send data to external services :wink:
I only installed the 2 plugins in the manual not the menu sync , media sync and sticky links , normaly i use them too , but i will test them after this bug is fixed.

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Totally understand :slight_smile:

Btw, you should be able to use the other WPML plugins as well. We only included the necessary plugins in the academy article. E.g. media translations can be quite helpful in many instances.

Do you need more input from me ?

Nope, thank you @Johan. Awaiting WPML’s team response :slight_smile:

Same here, with this issues

Hi @Johan @soodesign ,

We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.9.2 beta, now available as a manual download in your account (see changelog).

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

As with any beta release, please do not use it on any production/live website. It is only meant for testing in a local/staging environment.


Sorry to be the bringer of bad news , the issue is not solved yet.
I created a new home page manually (just to not have old stuff in the way)
I added 3 containers of 70vh to see the jumping to the inline link.
the div id where to jump to is not translated and it keeps the original name there is a inline link to
the translated page and div id should be but the div id is not translated and stays quisommesnous , even when i did the translation from quisommesnous to wiezijnwe in WPML.
You still have access to the site so you can check.

Hi @Johan,

Thank you for your report. Yeah I can see the issue there and I have created a ticket for this. Though I’m not sure whether or not it makes sense to have IDs be translatable through WPML :thinking: but either way we should either not show the IDs in the translation editor or if it makes sense, make sure that the translation works/syncs.

The problem is that i can’t use inline links without translation of something that works :wink:
The inline link text is not something random , it explains what the link is in the language of the user.
I’m open for any other solution that can help me out with this.

This is my only showstopper currently to migrate all my multilingual divi sites to bricks :slight_smile:
All other sites are already on a migration path :wink:

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Just want to share a workaround, for anyone who cannot wait until official 1.9.2

I have the same problem, not just for button links, but any element who capable to add a link (such as heading, text links, etc).

I manage to make it work by doing this:
After choose “save & close” on wpml editor (I’m using classic version instead of advanced), choose “Edit in Bricks” the translated version page/template. Then, select the element which supposedly contained the link. You may see that the link area/column are not activated and also can’t be clicked (to add the link). Then, just duplicate the element.

Using the duplicated element, now you will be able to add the link. And when you back to edit the original element, you now also be able to edit the link area. After you confirm that, just delete the duplicated version, and use the original element to add the link as you would in the original page/template. Then just hit save and you are done.

Yes , this is a workaround , with 2 languages I agree to go around the problem.
My problem is that I have 6 languages . And doing it that way defeats the purpose of WMPL :wink: