SOLVED: WooCommerce Order Details Missing for non-builder user roles


After upgrading our website to Bricks version 1.9.7, we encountered a critical error where we are no longer receiving order details.

Here are the details of the issue:

The customer experience initially appeared normal, as they were able to place orders on the checkout page and they reached the thank you page. However, upon checking the WooCommerce dashboard, we discovered that no customer details were available—neither names nor addresses. Only the order details were visible.

This problem happened immediately after updating to the latest Bricks version. I think it could be a conflict with the FunnelKit plugin.

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Same here… need quick fix for this.

Hi Ahmad & Pablo,
Thanks so much for your report.

Due to this report, we are already aware of the issue:

I’ll update this thread as soon as a fix is available.

Best regards,

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I got the same result. No registration of billing name, firstname, email + some CSS issues on notice replacements. I’m reverting to version Everything back to normal.

Something I should add: customer details are correctly saved if I order with tha administrator account

Hi here,
There is another issue in checkout page. Customers should redirect to Payment gateways, But after click on submit they just redirect to thank you page without any payment. also customer data does not submit in WooCommerce orders.

Hi @Ahmad @Shemzone @pablopicasso ,
Please manually re-download Bricks 1.9.7 from your account. We’ve already included a fix that will be part of a hotfix we’ll release at a later date.

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Thank you @timmse, it solves the customer information part (at least for my case). I have to check why my CSS for the notices is still broken

Hi guys,
The Bricks hotfix release is now available as a one-click update.