I have a page set as shopping page for WooCommerce. However, for some reason, the background image is not loading anymore. After some fiddling, I found out that when using Bricks 1.8.4 it was working but later versions are removing the image. When I change the shopping page to another page, the image shows up again. This testing was done on a staging site. However, ‘just’ downgrading is not working. I did something while testing on the staging website to make it work with 1.8.4. again, but I am not able to get it working on the live site.
Please let me know if you need any additional information.
Thank you for your report can you please share more information that would help me reproduce your setup? (e.g. how the dynamic image is setup & where you’re adding it as a background image in the shop page).
Thanks for your reply! I use ACF (Pro) to load the images. I have created a normal page called ‘Collectie’. In ACF, I created a group with the field for the hero, just a simple ‘image’ field for the background image. This is also set as the featured image. I set the ‘Collectie’ page as the shop page.
So, to set the background image, I simply go to ‘Collectie’ page and fill in the dynamic field of image. Then save the page. This worked before.
Please let me know if this is sufficient information!