SOLVED: WooCommerce Brands always shows in Product meta

I tried to use new WooCommerce feature - Brands.
On the single product template I have an Product meta element with some metas ( :slight_smile: ) but now it shows in the meta Brands and I don’t want to.


Thanks @Shortik ,

We are aware of the issue.

We are working on it.

If your website is LIVE and needs a temp workaround, please use a Basic Text element instead of a Product Meta element.


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OK, thanks. I will wait for the fix. :slight_smile:

Hi Leo,
We fixed this issue in Bricks 1.12.1, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Changelog: Bricks 1.12.1 Changelog – Bricks

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

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