SOLVED: Use more than one Icon in a Pricing table?

Wondering if there was a way to added check and “x” in the multiple tables showing from what tier 1-3 has and doesn’t.

Hi Tony,
you can put the icons as HMTL in front of the corresponding entry.
In the icon settings just set the icon font, but don’t select an icon.

<i class="ion-ios-checkmark-circle"></i> Unlimited websites
<i class="ion-ios-close-circle"></i> 20GB web space
<i class="ion-ios-close-circle"></i> SSL certificate

To find out what the icon class is called, you can briefly set the icon and then just copy the whole i-tag from the source code.

Best regards,

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OH SNAP! I didn’t even think this was possible! It sounds like it would work.

You’re welcome, it definitely works :wink: