SOLVED: Updated Bricks to 1.8.2 - global styles gone


So this morning I’ve updated Bricks to the newest release (Bricks V1.8.2), but unfortunately seems like it broke my style system. I’ve looked into the settings of my site, but cannot find anything in particular that broke it. The font I’m using is a custom uploaded font.

Link to my site:

I’ve included some screenshot from how it looks in the builder.

Please let me know what I can do to fix this issue?


I’ve rolled back to V1.8.1, fixed the issue. The issue is in the V1.8.2 update.


same with me.

Updated my staging site to 1.8.2, all css settings are gone, pages display wrongly in front-end.

Downgraded to 1.8.1, everything back to normal.



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The same for me… all the global style are gone… Rollback to 1.8.1 fixed the issue… Waiting for the :slight_smile:

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Hi @Larsoss , @Patric, @Sebastien,
Thanks so much for your report(s)!

We’ve updated several installations before the release without issues, so it’d be best if you guys can provide us with temporary login credentials so we’re able to identify the problem.

Please send them as fast as possible together with a link to this thread to

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Hi timmse


My staging site is still on 1.8.1 so you can check the before / after…

Good luck and thanks for your help


Same problem with me

Yes, I have issue too. My variables on child theme style sheet no more working, after update to 1.8.2.

Yeah, something is off. Anyway, they are working on it and will find the issue.

Does your page also show this apple-system 700 font suddenly instead of the correct one?


No idea where this font comes from…

Website cloned, Email sended with all details.

Let me know if you need more informations.

Thanks :wink:

Same here :expressionless: roll back works btw

Hi guys,
The first findings are that the problem only occurs with inline styles and that a few theme styles are missing.

Please set your CSS loading method to external files (an regenerate them) to fix the problem temporarily.


Tested on my cloned website, seems working :slight_smile:

Thanks @timmse !

Edit: tested on another website, issue resolved temporary :upside_down_face:

Can everyone who is experiencing this theme style issue in 1.8.2 please download this patch and let me know if it fixes the issue: :pray:


Thank you so much! For me it’s working :smiley:

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Hi Thomas

seems to be working as far as I can tell.



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Version 1.8

Set Theme Style Global and Frames (Ingore) has been lost. For no apparent reason. Staging has been operating perfectly fine, and then gone.

Any ideas?

Hi @mizzinc,
This report is 1.8.2 specific and has no relation to version 1.8. Please test it again with the current version and create a new report if there are still problems in your case.

If so, please tell us specifically what the problem is (preferably in a video) and how we can reproduce the problem.

Updated, still not there. Fortunately had backup theme styles to reimport.
Sorry, that doesnt help with debugging.

the patch worked for me! :slight_smile: