SOLVED: Units under border-radius of a container not working


I’m having issues with the border radius option on a container.
For example, if i manually enter ‘px’ under the fields, the border-radius is not applied. Also when i put in percentages instead of the default ‘px’ it is nog working.

It looks like it’s not working at all when i fill in the unit fields.

Can anybody confirm this ‘bug’?

Bricks Version: 1.2
Browser: Firefox 88.0.1 / Chrome Versie 90.0.4430.212
OS: macOS

Hi @marco
This is fixed on the coming Bricks 1.2.1. Stay tuned!

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This is still not working in Bricks 1.2.1.


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Hi @marco, I see it. I’m fixing this now and it will be available with Bricks 1.2.2. Thank you for letting us know.

@marco The container border-radius fix is now available in Bricks 1.2.2