SOLVED: Transition input placeholder shows "width"

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transition input placeholder saying width?


recommendation: default placeholder text can be 1s like in the interactions

Hi Sinan,
Thanks so much for your report!

Thanks for pointing that out.

I think I would rather do it without a default placeholder. Otherwise, you might think that a transition property has already been defined.

Best regards,

yep leaving empty would be good too. :+1:

The transition placeholder value is retrieved dynamically from the computedStyle of the selected element. If the transition placeholder says “Width” then that’s because that’s the actual computed style of it.

@sinanisler Can you share a full-page builder screenshot of the selected element, so I can double-check it?

this is just default val

Yep, and width is the transition-property for the container:

You can confirm this by inspecting the “Computed” tab inside the “Elements” tab of your browser.

It’s coming from a builder-only CSS rule, though, which is confusing. We’ll set the placeholder to all for the layout elements like the container (.brx-draggable).

Hi guys,

We’ve fixed this issue in Bricks 1.10.2, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

You can see the full changelog here: Bricks 1.10.2 Changelog – Bricks

Best regards,

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